Unfortunately, due to the eagles’ changing locations after our cams were installed, we do not have sound or infrared light for night viewing this season.
This is a wild eagle nest and anything can happen. While we hope that all eaglets hatched in this nest will grow up healthy and successfully fledge each season, things like sibling rivalry, predators, natural disaster as well as territorial disputes can affect this eagle family and may be difficult to watch.
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Chat Schedule (All times are ET)
Monday 8:30-9:30 pm
Wednesday 9:30-10:30 pm
Thursday 9:00-10:00 am
Saturday 12:00-1:00 pm
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About the Welaka Eagles

In the summer of 2019, a partnership developed between the Welaka National Fish Hatchery (WNFH) and the American Eagle Foundation (AEF) to live-stream this nest. Staff from AEF traveled to the hatchery in September and provided technical expertise in installing two cameras in the Longleaf pine tree where the nest is located.
In November 2019 Welaka staff observed that Mom and Dad eagles decided to relocate their nest to another tree approximately one half mile away from their previous nest (where the cams had been installed). Eggs (we assume there were two) were laid in the new nest in early December 2019 and observations from the ground indicate they probably hatched in early January. As of March 6, two active eaglets (WE5 and WE6 – the fifth and sixth eaglets raised by this Welaka pair) are being raised in the new nest and are probably between seven and eight weeks old as of that date.
After it was confirmed that the eagles were going to use their newly-built nest for this season, it was apparent that the two cams installed in the original nest tree would no longer be able to provide views for this nesting season. To help solve the problem, AEF provided a third cam to the Welaka National Fish Hatchery that was installed on a pole in front of the ponds and closer to the new nest. Although we will not have the stellar views into the actual nest we had hoped for this season, we will be able to provide views of the eaglets, as well as their parents coming and going to and from the nest.